Giving Report May 2016
Your Donations at Work May 2016
During the first quarter of 2016, $10,959 was given to assist at-risk teens and young adults who have aged out of foster care (between 18-21 years old) in Volusia, Seminole, Orange, Brevard and Osceola Counties. Details are listed below, but first we want to let you know how your donations positively impact the youth in our community and particularly the following young person:

Following the death of his mother when he was 17, Ray moved in with his grandmother. He was soon removed from her care, however, as a result of neglect, abuse and a lack of support systems. Fortunately for Ray, he came to The Village, a transitional home managed by Impower, where he received guidance and support. He was a good student and continued to make good grades. But it didn’t take him long to realize that he had some important decisions to make for his future.
Now at 18 Ray is on the right track. He graduated from high school, took life skills training classes and is part of the Extended Foster Care Program at The Village. He is enrolled in summer college courses and has a goal of working and helping at-risk children.
Junior League basketball and Chess Club are two of Ray’s interests outside of school. Working part time at a gas station/food mart, he is learning the importance of providing customer service, being punctual and being a responsible employee. He has a strong entrepreneurial spirit and wants to eventually open his own soul food restaurant.
Ray is grateful for and thankful of the WingsNet program for providing the incentive rewards for his academic and workplace accomplishments, which have rewarded his hard work for the past two years. He is now more determined and motivated to accomplish even more in the future.
Update and News
Here’s specifically how the funds were used from January 2016 through March 2016:
- $ 2,980.00: academic achievement
- $ 149.00: clothing and personal care
- $ 3,099.00: education fees, tutoring and life skills classes
- $60.00: employment skills/performance
- $312.00: emergency assistance
- $400.00: Pay to Stay
- $ 1739.00: savings match
- $2,229.00: Repairs/Renovations to group homes
$10,959.00: Total
We will continue to report on how YOUR donations are being used. Thank you for your confidence that Wings of Hope will continue to be good stewards of your generosity.
Individually we do make a difference. Together we change lives.
Watch Your Mail:
We have an exciting program in the works that will allow you to “Double the Difference” you make through your support of Wings of Hope! Be sure to watch for all the details arriving in your mail next month!
What’s new:
Our WingsNet program continues to make a major impact on at-risk youth who have aged out of foster care. Participants qualify for financial rewards based on educational achievement, job stability, mastering life skills training and maintaining savings accounts. All areas are critical in allowing youth to become self sufficient and independent adults.
In addition to our WingsNet program, we are pleased to provide improvements and renovations for some of the residential and group homes, such as:
- mattresses and bedding for a new residential home for girls in Brevard County
- computer lab for two group homes in Seminole County
- kitchen and bathroom repairs at two homes in Volusia County
- repurposing a patio into an enclosed computer lab and music production area for a residential home for boys in Volusia County

We moved -but not too far!
Please note our new address:
Wings of Hope
3919 Sanibel Street
Clermont, FL 34711
Phone, website and email remain the same.